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Exhausted All Options? Unlocking Hope - TMS for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Do you suffer from treatment-resistant depression and wonder if all hope is lost? After all, you've been on several different medications and taken them as prescribed for a length of time, only to have your depression symptoms remain. You've done the work. You have reached out to medical professionals and sought all avenues to treat your depression without relief. If this sounds like you, please know you are not alone. The reality is that 30% of all those diagnosed with depression meet this criteria.

Goolsby and Associates wants you to know that there is hope for you in the form of TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment protocol that may just be a lifeline for you. Located in Gainesville, GA, we are a leader in TMS therapy for treatment-resistant depression. We know the power of this treatment protocol and want to see you get back to the life you deserve.

How do I know if I have treatment-resistant depression?

You should know that there is no standard definition of treatment-resistant depression. However, this does not mean that the condition does not exist. According to the NIH, treatment resistance is a combination of three factors:

  1. The correct diagnosis is given.

  2. The patient has been given adequate treatment – in this case, this consists of medication and patient adherence to the prescribed drug in the appropriate dosage over a given amount of time.

  3. The patient does not respond to the treatment.

If you have been prescribed medication and used it appropriately for a given amount of time, generally 6 to 8 weeks without a proper response, you may be suffering from treatment-resistant depression. Under no circumstances should you take yourself off of your medication. Instead, reach out to your healthcare provider for further instruction.

In some instances, you may simply need another medication to help treat your depression. There are several types on the market, and it may just be that you have not found the proper medication to treat your case. When you have a depression diagnosis, finding the appropriate treatment protocol for you may take time and effort. Once you find the proper medication, it may take two weeks or more for it to work, provided you take it appropriately and give it enough time.

However, If you have tried at least two medications combined with psychotherapy and still have no relief, TRD (treatment-resistant depression) may be the culprit.

I think I have treatment-resistant depression. What next?

If you have followed your treatment protocol and still have symptoms, it is time to schedule another appointment with your healthcare provider or another practitioner to discuss the next steps. This consultation should be exhaustive and consider multiple lifestyle factors, including any health diagnoses you have, any drugs you may take, and your lifestyle, including diet and exercise.

We suggest you work with a psychiatrist in this event if you have not been previously, as they will be able to give you more insights into your mental health state and the medications you use.

The key here is to seek further information from a trusted source who understands the complexities of mental health. It is easy to seek information from online sources and do some background investigations, but meeting with a qualified mental health professional is the only way to determine what is truly happening with you. Do your research, yes. But seek a second opinion from an educated professional!

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is an option for me. What does this entail?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is the breakthrough treatment for depression you may have never heard of. This FDA-approved treatment option is noninvasive and is a lifeline for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression.

In essence, TMS creates neuroplasticity in the brain. Using magnetic pulses to create localized electrical currents in the brain, this treatment modality awakens areas of the brain associated with depression. It creates new neural pathways that help with depression. We like to think of it as awakening areas of the brain.

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to form new neural connections. The magnetic waves used with TMS are explicitly catered to the patient, making this treatment modality unique to the individual. Treatment sessions are performed in the office at Goolsby and Associates and last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending upon the patient. The duration of sessions is solely dependent upon the patient's needs, making this treatment option unique. We are capable of catering to the individual.

Will I respond to TMS therapy?

As with any treatment option, not everyone will respond to TMS therapy. However, research suggests that upwards of 60% of those who utilize TMS will have a meaningful response to this treatment option. Many will experience complete remission, while those who do not respond entirely to TMS can experience relief with the correct medications post-treatment.

For those who do not experience complete remission, a combination of TMS, medication, and psychotherapy can provide substantial relief.

Are there any side effects with TMS?

Because TMS is done in our office, you will be monitored the entire time. Treatment side effects are generally mild and may include headache, scalp discomfort, tingling, and lightheadedness.

One of the wonderful things about TMS therapy is that you can continue with your daily activities after treatment. TMS is noninvasive, which means you don't have to set aside hours of your day after your treatment session, making it a treatment protocol that can fit into your daily life AND help you at the same time.

Contact Goolsby and Associates for more information.

Living with treatment-resistant depression is no way to live at all. We know you are seeking answers and believe that TMS might be the proper course of action for you. Most insurance plans cover TMS, and we would cherish the ability to speak with you about this life-changing treatment protocol. If you have questions, chances are we have answers. Contact our office today.

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