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Unlocking the Brain's Potential: How TMS Can Combat Treatment-Resistant Depressi


Depression can feel like a long, slow sludge, like life is dark, and the light feels ever so far away. For those with major depressive disorder, the simplest tasks can feel like monumental accomplishments. From getting out of bed in the morning to the most basic acts of self-care like showering or eating a meal, depression can make these simple tasks feel insurmountable. And the reality for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression is the fog never really lifts. But what if there was an alternative? What if there was an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment option for TRD with proven results? Welcome to the world of transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS.

Goolsby and Associates, located in Gainesville, GA, offers this innovative and powerfully effective treatment in North GA and the surrounding areas. We believe in TMS and its potential to be a life-giving treatment option for those with treatment-resistant depression. Read on for more about this incredible treatment option.

What exactly is TMS?

A quick online search will lead you to a wealth of knowledge about TMS and its positive effects on treating TRD. However, all that information can get overwhelming, so we are going to attempt to break it down into easily digestible chunks to get your mind reeling with all the possibilities this treatment may afford you.

In essence, TMS uses magnetic pulses delivered through the scalp via an electric magnetic coil to areas of the brain associated with depression. These pulses help create new neural pathways, contributing to new thoughts and thought patterns. There is reason and evidence to conclude that those suffering from depression have low levels of activity in particular regions of the brain. To stimulate these areas and get them moving again, you may need extra help. That is where TMS comes in.

You probably have some questions, so let’s see if we can address them now.

Is TMS painful?

NO. TMS is a non-invasive procedure done in the comfort of our offices. No anesthesia is involved, and sessions can last between five and thirty minutes, depending on the patient and their unique needs. Those undergoing TMS are awake the entire time, engaging with staff or perhaps watching TV. Because of its non-invasive nature, TMS allows patients to resume their daily activities immediately after each session. No recovery time is needed, and no downtime is required!


Am I a candidate for TMS?

You may be a candidate for transcranial magnetic stimulation if you have tried at least two medications for the treatment of appropriate dosage and for an appropriate amount of time with no relief. If you are currently under psychiatric supervision and receiving medication and still have depression symptoms or do not feel satisfied with the results, you may also benefit from TMS.

Of course, we cannot tell you over the phone if you meet the criteria for TMS treatment, so we suggest you call our office and schedule a consultation. We will review your medical records and discuss your current symptoms and desires to determine if TMS is right for you.

We should note that TMS will not work for some individuals, including those with non-removable metallic objects in or near their heads or certain implants such as pacemakers, vagus nerve stimulators, or cardioverter defibrillators. Also, those who suffer from seizures may not be able to utilize TMS. If you fall into this category, we suggest you schedule a consultation. We can determine if TMS is possible for you when we know your current health conditions and any medical devices you may have.

Is TMS effective?

Here at Goolsby and Associates, we know that those seeking our help are being proactive with their mental health and want viable solutions. We know that when someone suffers from treatment-resistant depression, they have exhausted all options and want effective change.

The great news is that TMS is effective for the acute treatment of major depressive disorder as well as a maintenance option. TMS, in combination with medication, is also a route many patients take and is another way to successfully combat treatment-resistant depression.

I’m interested in learning more about TMS. What next?

If you’ve read this far and believe TMS might be worth investigating, please contact our offices. We can set up an appointment to review your records and discuss your needs. If you wonder whether your insurance covers this service, we can help you with that as well. We should note that most major insurance companies cover TMS.

If you are ready to start living again, please reach out to Goolsby and Associates. Our team of professionals is ready to help you gain control and combat your treatment-resistant depression. We do not take your needs lightly, and we firmly believe in the power of TMS. We want to see you well and thriving each day of your life and welcome the opportunity to serve you.

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